Genesys Cloud
Neues Interaktionsfenster für eingebettete Clients

Angekündigt am Datum des Inkrafttretens Aha! Idee
2025-02-24 - Aha! Link

In a future release, Genesys Cloud will introduce a new interaction window UI for embedded clients. This update replaces the existing interaction window with a more modern, efficient, and customizable interface. The new UI significantly improves the user experience by offering:

  • Increased productivity: A multi agent interface that allows agents to view various tools and contextual apps side by side.
  • Bessere Benutzererfahrung: Ein intuitiveres und optisch verfeinertes Design verbessert die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und das Engagement.
  • Mehr Anpassungsmöglichkeiten: Agenten können den Arbeitsbereich personalisieren, um ihn besser an ihre spezifischen Anforderungen anzupassen, indem sie auswählen, welche Bereiche angezeigt werden sollen.
The Interaction window layout has been refined with only minor adjustments, ensuring a seamless transition for users. The updated UI retains all essential components within a familiar multi-panel design, including scripts, canned responses, email, web messaging, after call work, Agent Copilot, and co-browse. These enhancements provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience while laying the foundation for the future of the embedded client in Genesys Cloud.