Genesys Cloud
Improved voice campaign diagnostics with actionable insights

Angekündigt am Datum des Inkrafttretens Aha! Idee
2025-03-03 - -

In a future release, Genesys Cloud will extend Voice Campaigns diagnostics with more actionable data points, giving administrators clearer insights into campaign health. Previously, campaign administrators had limited visibility into issues affecting voice campaigns. This update introduces detailed health indicators such as Running Normally, Waiting for Agents, Waiting for Outbound Lines, Operational Alert, and Configuration Alert, allowing administrators to quickly assess and address potential disruptions. Administrators can now drill down into these health statuses using the Campaign Diagnostics dialog, which provides specific details on factors impacting campaign performance. Also, administrators can tailor monitoring by muting certain health alerts to focus on what matters most to their contact center. These enhancements make troubleshooting easier and more efficient, reducing reliance on support teams while helping organizations maintain stable and effective voice campaigns.

A new Health column in the Voice Campaigns table view provides health insights about active voice campaigns.

New Health column

The show/hide columns control will now include the Health column option. 

New show/hide health column option

Campaign diagnostics details will now contain a health status line and a Health tab for the running voice campaign.

New campaign diagnostics dialog box

A new Diagnostics section will be added to the Campaign editor Power and Predictive campaigns view. The On/Off option will enable the activation of a configuration alert about a low Max CPA value setting.

Updated power and predictive view

New operational events, DIALER-0001, DIALER-0002, and DIALER-0003 have been added to the operational console. These operational events are released when a configuration alert is detected after the Voice Campaign is turned on.

Updated operational console

Three new events have been added to the Outbound Event viewer. Similar to operational events, these events are released when a configuration alert is detected after the Voice Campaign is turned on.

Updated outbound event viewer